Das CDBFlite Programm erlaubt Benutzer

Software: CDBFlite

CDBFlite is  not freeware  or public domain.  This is  a copyrighted software.

The  software included  is  distributed AS  IS,  with no  warranties given, either explicit or implied.

CDBFlite without source code  (Standard license):
WhiteTown  Software grants  you a  license to  use one  copy of  the version of  this CDBFlite on  any one  hardware product for  as many licenses  as  you  purchase.  
"You" means the  company, entity or individual whose  funds are used to pay  the license fee.  
"Use" means  storing, loading,  installing, executing  or displaying the CDBFlite. 
When you  first obtain a  copy of the  CDBFlite, you are  granted an evaluation period  of not more  than 30  days, after which  time you must  pay  for  the  SOFTWARE  according to  the  terms  and  prices discussed in  the CDBFlite's documentation,  or you must  remove the CDBFlite from your computer. This license is not transferable to any other hardware product or other company, entity, or individual.

You may not modify the CDBFlite. You agree that you will not attempt to reverse  compile, modify, translate, or  disassemble the CDBFlite in whole or in part.

You  may  not  use,  copy, rent,  lease,  sell,  modify,  decompile, disassemble, otherwise  reverse engineer,  or transfer  the CDBFlite except  as provided  in this  agreement. Any  such unauthorized  use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license.

Users  who purchased  the standard  license are  notified about  new versions of CDBFlite. If requested, new versions may be sent them by e-mail. Standard license gives you the permission to use CDBFlite by one person only (at work or at home or both).

CDBFlite with source code  (Developer's license):
Developer's license includes standard license  but allows you to use CDBFlite by any number of  developers in one organization, for which CDBFlite was registered.

Developer's  license allows  you  to distribute  the descendants  of CDBFlite for free.  CDBFlite may be used in  freeware and commercial projects  and may  be distributed  ONLY as  a part  of the  compiled software (executable modules or DLLs).  You  may not redistribute of CDBFlite's source code.

The special technical support is  given for this license. Tecnical support includes fixing the bugs reported, consulting about the best ways to use CDBFlite,  fixing a user's bugs, concerned with CDBFlite usage etc.

Users who purchased  the developer's license are  notified about new versions of CDBFlite. If requested, new versions may be sent them by e-mail.

No  license  allows you  redistribution  of  CDBFlite's source  code without explicit written permission from author.

All support, mail  notifications etc. stop if you  break the license rules:  redistribute  the  source   code  without  explicit  written permission from author.

                        Ordering information

CDBFlite without source code  (Standard license):	$24.95
CDBFlite with source code  (Developers license): $99