Easily share Outlook over Internet or in local network

Presseveröffentlichung: CodeTwo Public Folders

Publisher: CodeTwo

Jelenia Gora, 12 October 2012 - The newest release of CodeTwo Public Folders includes an important new feature allowing users to synchronize Outlook items and other files over the Internet. What"s more, the Internet synchronization is extremely safe, since the program doesn"t use any Cloud accounts during the data exchange. All information that travels between the synchronized machines is always encrypted and is never saved anywhere else, but on the hard drives of the PCs that need to be synced up. This model is very attractive for those companies, which can"t afford the exposure of any shared data to people from outside their organizations. Apart from the Internet synchronization feature, CodeTwo Public Folders 5.0 includes a wide range of other improvements. It has been equipped with a completely new user"s interface and gained new security options like the new logon authentication of the Client Apps. Starting from this version, the program also features a built-in File Sharing App that allows users to exchange files outside Microsoft Outlook using the same encrypted connections and protocols as the previously mentioned Outlook plugin. With the new features CodeTwo Public Folders 5.0 can now be recognized as a fully representative collaboration platform for small business and mid sector. Its competitive price and the unique non-Cloud based Internet sharing model make it an extraordinary bid for companies that can"t afford maintaining their own servers, but still would like to collaborate online safely. Further information on CodeTwo Public Folders 5.0 can be found on the manufacturer"s website, www.codetwo.com.

Source: http://www.codetwo.com/press-room/?sts=1953